Authors |
Title |
Cover Page, Preface and Contents
E. Csuhaj-Varjú |
P Automata: Concepts, Results and New Aspects
A. Ehrenfeucht, G. Rozenberg |
Computational Nature of Processes Induced by Biochemical Reactions
R. Freund |
Transition and Halting Modes for Tissue P Systems
P. Frisco |
Conformon P Systems and Topology of Information Flow
M. Gheorghe, F. Ipate, C. Dragomir |
Formal Verification and Testing Based on P Systems
O.H. Ibarra |
A Look Back at Some Early Results in Membrane Computing
V. Manca |
From P to MP Systems
S. Marcus |
Bridging Membrane Computing and Biosemiotics
G. Mauri, A. Leporati, C. Zandron |
Energy-based Models of P Systems
M.J. Pérez--Jiménez |
A Computational Complexity Theory in Membrane Computing
O. Agrigoroaiei, G. Ciobanu, A. Resios |
Evolving by Maximizing the Number of Rules: Complexity Study
A. Alhazov, E. Boian, S. Cojocaru, Yu. Rogozhin |
Modelling Inflections in Romanian Language by P Systems with String Replication
A. Alhazov, K. Morita |
On Reversibility and Determinism in P Systems
B. Aman, G. Ciobanu |
Typed Membrane Systems
M. Cardona, M.A. Colomer, A. Margalida, I. Pérez-Hurtado, M.J. Pérez-Jiménez, D. Sanuy |
A P System Based Model of an Ecosystem of Some Scavenger Birds
A. Castellini, V. Manca, Y. Suzuki |
Metabolic P System Flux Regulation by Artificial Neural Networks
P. Cazzaniga, G. Mauri, L. Milanesi, E. Mosca, D. Pescini |
A Novel Variant of Tissue P Systems for the Modelling of Biochemical Systems
L. Cienciala, L. Ciencialová |
Eco-P Colonies
J.A. de Frutos, L. Fernández, F. Arroyo |
Decision Trees for Obtaining Active Rules in Transition P Systems
G. Franco, V. Manca, R. Pagliarini |
Regulation and Covering Problems in MP Systems
R. Freund, M. Kogler |
Hybrid Transition Modes in (Tissue) P Systems
M. García-Quismondo, R. Gutiérrez-Escudero,
I. Pérez-Hurtado, M.J. Pérez-Jiménez, A. Riscos-Núñez |
An Overview of P-Lingua 2.0
M. García-Quismondo, B.M. Henley, I. Pérez-Hurtado, A. Riscos-Núñez |
A First Attempt to Model Notch Signalling by Means of P Systems
R. Gutiérrez-Escudero, M.J. Pérez-Jiménez, M. Rius-Font |
Characterizing Tractability by Tissue-Like P Systems
M.A. Gutiérrez--Naranjo, M.J. Pérez--Jiménez |
Searching Previous Configurations in Membrane Computing
T. Hinze, T. Lenser, G. Escuela, I. Heiland, S. Schuster |
Modelling Signalling Networks with Incomplete Information about Protein Activation States: A P System Framework of the KaiABC Oscillator
T.-O. Ishdorj, A. Leporati, L. Pan, J. Wang |
Solving NP-complete Problems by Spiking Neural P Systems with Budding Rules
R. Lefticaru, F. Ipate, M. Gheorghe, G. Zhang |
Tuning P Systems for Solving the Broadcasting Problem
C. Liu, G. Zhang, H. Liu, M. Gheorghe, F. Ipate |
An Improved Membrane Algorithm for Solving Time-Frequency Atom Decomposition
M.A. Martínez-del-Amor, I. Pérez-Hurtado, M.J. Pérez-Jiménez, J.M. Cecilia, G.D. Guerrero, J.M. García |
Simulating Active Membrane Systems Using GPUs
V. Nguyen, D. Kearney, G. Gioiosa |
A Region-Oriented Hardware Implementation for Membrane Computing Applications and Its Integration into Reconfig-P
R. Nicolescu, M.J. Dinneen, Y.-B. Kim |
Discovering the Membrane Topology of Hyperdag P Systems
T.Y. Nishida |
Reversible P Systems with Symport/Antiport Rules
Adam Obtulowicz |
Approaching a Question of Biologically Plausible Applications
of Spiking Neural P Systems for an Explanation of
Brain Cognitive Functions
L. Pan, X. Zeng |
A Note on Small Universal Spiking Neural P Systems
P. Sosík, A. Paun, A. Rodríguez-Patón, D. Pérez |
On the Power of Computing with Proteins on Membranes
A. Valsecchi, A.E.~Porreca, A. Leporati, G. Mauri, C. Zandron |
An Efficient Simulation of Polynomial-Space Turing Machines
by P Systems with Active Membranes
S. Verlan |
Look-Ahead Evolution for P Systems
J. Wang, H.J. Hoogeboom, L. Pan, Gh. Paun |
Spiking Neural P Systems with Weights and Thresholds
A. Alhazov, A. Krassovitskiy, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Verlan |
A Note on P Systems with Small-Size Insertion and Deletion
I.I. Ardelean |
Could Procaryotic (as Well as Eukaryotic Cells) Provide Software and Hardware for P Systems Based Computers?
R. Barbuti, A. Maggiolo-Schettini, P. Milazzo, S. Tini |
On the Efficiency of Promoters and of Cooperative Rules in P Systems
E. Csuhaj-Varjú, S. Verlan |
Power and Size of Generalized Communicating P Systems with Minimal Interaction Rules
V. Mitrana, J.M. Sempere |
Accepting Evolutionary P Systems
N. Murphy, D. Woods |
Uniformity: Uncovering the Frontier of Parallelism
Gh. Stefanescu, T. Serbanuta, C. Chira, G. Rosu |
P Systems with Control Nuclei