CellDesigner: A computational tool for research in Biology

Dr. Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez Naranjo

University of Seville, Spain

CellDesigner is a software tool which is becaming the standard in Systems
Biology research. It is being developed by The Systems Biology Institute,
Keio University, Dept. of Biosciences and Informatics, Mitsui Knowledge
Industry Co., Ltd., and Mizuho Information & Research Institute, Inc.
Following the authors
SBML + SBGN + Simulation + Databases Connections = CellDesigner

  • Date: November 10th 2008, at 17h (DELAYED)
  • Date: December 15th 2008, at 17:30h (DELAYED)
  • Place: Seminar room of the Department (ETSII, Module H, First floor)
  • Language: Spanish