A provocative overview on various research fields: Data Mining, Optimisation, Object Oriented Modelling and Swarm Robotics

Speaker: Hughes Bersini (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Abstract: Hughes Bersini is an outstanding researcher on the field of synthetic biology. He will introduce some current research lines carried out in his laboratory. These lines include:

  • Data Mining and Business Intelligence. Prof. Bersini will introduce the InSilico DB project and an overview on Data Mining and Text Mining.
  • Optimisation. Prof. Bersini will talk about optimisation algorithms, such as Ant Colony and other metaheuristics
  • Object-Oriented Modelling of Complex Systems. Prof. Bersini will talk about modelling of biological systems, such as Immune Systems, Neural Systems and Minimal Life Systems. This topic will be completed with some lines on Economical and Sociological Modeling.
  • Swarm Robotics. Prof. Bersini will end his talk by introducing this research line.


  • Date: Monday, 9th of April 2012.
  • Time: 10:30
  • Place: Seminar room of the department H1.50 (Module H, First floor, E.T.S. Ingeniería Informática)
  • Language:English