Goal: Similarly to the previous editions, the goal is to gather together researchers interested in Membrane Computing (theory and applications), for exchanging ideas, problems, solutions, for working together, in a friendly framework.
Only invited talks and short and provocative presentations will be scheduled in the first days, then the time will be mainly devoted to joint work. Those interested in having such presentations should inform the organizers ({ariscosn, fran} _at_ us.es) some days before the meeting.
The participants are strongly encouraged to circulate open problems and research proposals by posting them to the mail list {[email protected]}. Instructions on how to subscribe/unsubscribe to this mail list and how to access the messages can be found here.
Dates: 4th February, 2013 (Monday) - 8th February, 2013 (Friday)
Organising institution:
Proceedings: As usual, about two months after the meeting a pre-proceedings volume will be published as a research report of the RGNC. A selection of final papers will be published in a special issue of a journal ,as it was the case with the first nine editions: Natural Computing 2(3) 2003, New Generation Computing 22(4) 2004, Journal of Universal Computer Science 10(5) 2004, Soft Computing 9(9) 2005, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 17(1) 2006, Theoretical Computer Science 372(2) 2007, Fundamenta Informaticae 87(1) 2008, International Journal of Unconventional Computing 5(5) 2009, International Journal of Computers, Communication & Control 4(3) 2009, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology 13(2) 2010, International Journal of Natural Computing Research 2(3) 2011, and
International Journal of Computer Mathematics (in press). Ten of these journals are indexed in the ISI JCR.
Web page: http://www.gcn.us.es/11bwmc.
News will be communicated through the web of the Research Group on Natural Computing, and through the Vienna P systems web page.
Registration: In order to register the participants should email Ana María Ruiz (anarumez 'at' us.es). A registration fee of 75 euros will be requested on arrival at the registration desk. This will cover workshop materials, coffee breaks, lunch, social dinner and proceedings. Several accommodation options are listed on the webpage of the BWMC'13 (keep tuned at http://www.gcn.us.es/bwmc_acommodation).
Important advice:
Bookings should be arranged the sooner the better, in order to avoid availability restrictions. In particular, reservations for Hernando Colon residence should be made not later than January 21st (by email to anarumez 'at' us.es).
Organizing Committee:
Funded by:
Download the CfP (Call for Participation) of the 11th BWMC here .
Links to previous editions, here