Goal: Last few years have radically changed the way science is done. While the pandemics have helped improving some communication technologies and strategies, it has not been possible to continue with the traditional face-by-face interaction as it was. In 2022, the situation improved and several international conferences became in-person again, but in this sense, the current technologies allow some people to attend the conferences even if they are not able to travel.
The peculiarities of the Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing have made impossible to celebrate it in 2021 and 2022, thus different alternative meetings have been celebrated in order to keep in touch at least online. Keeping the tradition of previous editions, but looking at the future, the main goal is to provide an opportunity for interacting, and to use the friendly atmosphere of this dynamic meeting as an incubator for new joint works. Researchers working on Membrane Computing have always been an interdisciplinary community, and thus the meeting is open to researchers from other fields including (but not restricted to) Mathematics, Computer Science, Biology, Physics and Medicine. The Brainstorming Week is an excellent forum to discuss about potential collaborations and interdisciplinary approaches. To this aim, the participants are invited to give short and provocative talks, challenging the audience with open problems, and possibly presenting some of their ongoing work. The program also includes joint work sessions (usually scheduled on the afternoons), so that the ideas raised in the presentations can be discussed in detail in small groups.
Researchers from the P community, and from other areas as well, are strongly encouraged to circulate open problems and research ideas before the event, even if they cannot attend the meeting. Please send your proposals to us, and we will post them on the BWMC 2024 web page.
This year, the 20th edition of the Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing will be co-located with the First Workshop on Virus Machines, introducing a young model of computation inspired by the spreading and replication abilities of viruses between different hosts. In this workshop, some introductory talks will be given, pointing out some open research lines that can be discussed the days of the conference.
Dates: January 24, 2024 (Wednesday) - January 26, 2026 (Friday)
Organising institution:
Proceedings: Note that there is no submission process prior to the meeting. The proceedings volume will be composed with papers initiated during the BWMC and ellaborated afterwards. As usual, it will be published as a research report of RGNC, and the copyright remains with authors, so that they are free to submit their work to conferences or journals. The list of special issues devoted to previous editions can be found in https://www.gcn.us.es/si-bmc.
Web page: http://www.gcn.us.es/20bwmc.
News will be communicated through the web of the Research Group on Natural Computing, and through the IMCS web page.
Registration: In order to register the participants should email David Orellana (dorellana 'at' us dot es), and we will answer you with the details of the payment of the registration fee. The standard registration fee will be of 120 euros and student fee will be of 70 euros. This will cover workshop materials, coffee breaks, lunch, social dinner and proceedings. Several accommodation options are listed on the webpage of the BWMC'24 (keep tuned at http://www.gcn.us.es/20bwmc_acommodation).
Important advices:
Organizing Committee:
Supported by:
Links to previous editions, here